Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

USAT - Decentralization of Innovation


What is USAT?
The British Association Scientists from Technology Inc., or USAT, are Australian-based organizations that use Utoken digital currency. The Utoken ICO is scheduled to begin with pre-sales on February 15, 2018.

Basically, by participating in the sale of Utoken tokens by USAT, you buy part of the company's intellectual property. The company has two Australian patents related to the use of solar electricity. When you purchase Utokens, you purchase proportional parts of all current and future patents held by the company.

USAT obtained its patent from an Australian research firm known as AIHEM.


Sales of tokens for Utokens begin on February 15, 2018.

How does USAT work?
USAT Inc. store an intellectual property (IP) repository. The IP, according to the USAT whitaper, including "legal, identifiable, intangible assets in the form of patents and trade secrets."

The IP repository is open to shared ownership. You can buy ownership by buying Utokens.

In other words, every Utoken that you buy represents part of ownership of intellectual property. Utoken is a joint ownership token of all current and future patents and trade secrets stored in the USAT Inc. IP repository.

What kind of trade secrets do United Scientists Association of Technology (USAT) have in the repository? What future potentials do these secrets have?

Well, the company claims to operate from the Sunshine Coast P / L Innovation Center (ICSC), a leading business incubator and accelerator operating as a subsidiary of the Sunshine Coast University in Queensland, Australia.

USAT Inc. also affiliated with an organization called "Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials", or AIHEM. The USAT white book describes this as "a professional alliance based in Australia, which was established in 2009 with a mission to facilitate research in basic and applied sciences directed at expanding human knowledge."

The AIHEM network includes 138 professors, 65 associate professors, 89 scientists with doctoral qualifications, and 28 MSc engineering engineers from 50+ countries around the world.

That's where the core value of USAT's intellectual property lies: the organization claims to receive "a constant influx of new technology proposals" from AIHEM.

After USAT receives a proposal from AIHEM, the team carefully checks each proposal. They only choose proposals that have proven engineering and commercial benefits. The proposal selected was funded by USAT Inc. with the aim of creating innovative products.

In the end, USAT will complete the project and introduce it to the market. At this point, this is what will happen to Utoken holders: USAT will continue the financial cycle by reinvesting profits into new projects from a constant pipeline supply from AIHEM

USAT will buy back and cancel the calculated percentage from Utokens through a smart contract

USAT issued 1.525 billion Utokens. Each Utoken represents the joint ownership of all current and future patents and trade secrets stored in the USAT repository.

Tokens are priced at $ 0.04 during pre-ICO, rising to $ 0.20 at the end of the ICO.

Token sales will begin with pre-sales on February 15, 2018. The ICO is expected to continue until June 15, 2018l.

You can contribute to the sale of tokens using ETH.

Of the total supply of 1,525 billion Utokens, 50% is distributed to ICO investors. Remaining tokens for USAT Inc. (35%) and Foundation (15%).

Of the funds obtained during the sale of tokens, 75% will be allocated for product development, including marketing and development of various USAT patents. The remaining funds will be used for the USAT support team (20% for IT and ICO developers and legal advisors, accounting, marketing, and PR), marketing (2%), and operations (3%).

USAT is trying to raise $ 76 million (!) Through the sale of its tokens.

What type of patents does USAT have?
USAT claims to have a large repository of trade secrets and other valuable IPs. They also claimed that more proposals were dropped regularly by the AIHEM pipeline.

However, the USAT whitaper revealed that the company only has two patents. Both are Australian patents:

Patent # AU 2017100315:
This patent is for "multi-layered structural material to convert solar radiation into kinetic energy from a liquid." Basically, this explains the methods and equipment that are capable of converting solar energy into electricity through solar wind fields.

Patent # AU 201710410:
This patent refers to "recovery of waste heat to produce electricity together in solar wind power farms." This is a product that takes waste heat from computers and other electronics, then converts it into electricity.

Overall, the USAT whitaper describes this patent as a valuable technology for future power generation. They allow customers to reduce electricity production costs and become fully autonomous external power suppliers.

Who Is Behind USAT?
USAT is led by key members from AIHEM, including Peter Banjanin, Lilia Stamatova, and Dr. Benedict de St. Amatus.

You can contact the company by email at info@usat.io.

Banjanin is the Honorary Chairperson and founding member of USAT Inc. and Chair of the Business Development Sub-Committee of the Academic Council of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials (AIHEM).

Stamatova is treasurer of the USAT Inc. Management Committee. He has two Master of Science degrees in Chemical Technology and Chemical Engineering.

Dr. Benedict de St. Amatus, meanwhile, is Chair of the AIHEM and Readers of the Australian Research Council. He has written or co-authored more than 80 scientific manuscripts.

Overall, USAT Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Queensland, Australia. The organization is affiliated with the university, Nobel Prize winner, and more than 300 leading scientists from 50 countries around the world.

USAT conclusion
USAT Inc. is an Australian company that has two patents. The patent is related to producing solar electricity. Starting February 15, you can buy Utokens during the sale of USAT tokens. Each Utoken represents a proportional part of the two patents - as well as all future patents held by USAT.

USAT obtained its patent from an organization called the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials, or AIHEM, a scientific organization consisting of hundreds of professionals, PhDs and engineers around the world.


Please Visit The Links Below To Be More Clear and Definite:
Website: https://usat.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/USATINC

Whitepaper: https://usat.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/White-Paper-USAT-Inc.pdf

Twiteer: https://twitter.com/USAT_Inc

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/united-scientists-association-of-technology/

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4419611.msg39393164#msg39393164

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGtdgioQqt-TyCYoXH8DDPw

Author: adifariz
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1279352
ETH: 0x48CeC0d6baa75D069eA06A59D6Ed8916E94ef19A

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