Greetings, Success to You All in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time Adifariz I invite you to review the project, an interesting GREENBIT that will guide you to your next success.
Educate customers / customers about good investment options and possible payment strategies with the development of the universe.
Encryption-to-Fiat billing and promotion of peer-to-peer payments.
Immediate cryptocurrency payments without restrictions.
Promote agricultural trade and retail trade and services at all levels.
Mobile Encryption Bank Solution [GREENBITBank]: Smartphone apps have everything you need for payment, remittance and currency exchange.
Make sure the client gets the best deal.
Loyalty programs for all transactions and increased cash refunds and cash refunds to token holders.
GREENBIT is the first block of CRYPTOAGRO-based currencies with unique ecosystems and physical entities that trade the most traded crops in the world with more than a billion employees, distributed markets for farmers, traders, grocery stores, agro- is. GREENBIT offers a decentralized payment system that allows you to transfer these values across borders. Please visit http://startupmp.org/greenbit/GREENBIT-WHITE%20PAPER.pdf .
Features and Functions of GREENBIT
Central Farm Network (CFN)
This is a secure trading platform for traders and value chain service providers. The Central Farm Network replicates farm assets around the world based on community spectral voting and market speculation as a community's steady growth and valuation.
Sends the value in milliseconds using the direct payment channel. Transaction processing is much more efficient because each block of Greenbit can be Hypercube Routing to speed up. The structure is very flexible.
Agricultural markets are the most traded markets. This means that millions of transactions per second can be safely handled. Thanks to its unique multi-green bit architecture.
Accessibility and flexibility
Process nodes perform only useful tasks to maximize efficiency, and each block of TON Greenbit becomes its own Greenbit, making the structure highly accessible and flexible.
Uniquely create the value of being rewarded through decentralized, fully funded investments and a unique single world agricultural trading platform.
Green bit ecosystem

The financial world is overtaken and confused by blockchain technology through the adoption of various cryptocurrencies. The old way has changed and GREENBIT is a unique digital currency ecosystem that is developing a one-stop market for economic and agricultural businesses.
GREENBIT is a unique platform for building and integrating global agriculture to your needs with blockchain technology. Governments, job centers, and individuals can track company technology, goods and service meeting demand and availability.
GREENBIT is designed to create a valuable token through the global agricultural economy and to build a platform where global agricultural processes operate in a single market and have their own ecosystem. Way? Private block through the chain community!
GREENBIT was created to combine the development of jets in food, health products, powerful space and technology, while at the same time taking advantage of the benefits of agriculture, world economy and technology development.
GREENBIT creates a cryptanalytic ecosystem in the agricultural trade process between agricultural industry, industrial farmers, farmers, merchants, and list consumers. This will provide quick trading opportunities through agricultural mobile payments and an easy location in one place for agricultural products and services. One farm, one market, one world, one economy and one currency
The assets of GREENBIT are the CENTRAL FARM NETWORK, which is insured for all tokens in the market. The farm is set to auto-growing revenue, increasing the value and capital of GREENBIT by adding value regularly to the assets of every token owner in the market (GREENBIT)
Greenbit Token Distribution

Deploy to community: ============= 65%
Project financing: ==================== 15%
Team: === ============ 8%
Partners: ====================== ==== 5%
Campaign: === ================== 5%
Advisor: ============= ============= 2% Predicted an annual increase in coin production of $ 333 billion in five years
Token sales


Our Team


If you are not interested in additional information and updates, development, teaming, support, and technology, stakeholders will be invited to join the whitelist on the appropriate list at http://www.greenbit.in/ .
Follow us:
Whitepaper: http://startupmp.org/greenbit/GREENBIT-WHITE%20PAPER.pdf
Thread: ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3273833.msg34130003#msg34130003
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Greenbit3?lang=en
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/G0DNf0UuWVvKv3JPxhSrww
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/Greenbitblockchain/?_rdc=1&_rdr
author: adifariz