Senin, 29 Juli 2019

Product Protocol

Currently the Blockchain and cryptocurrency are relatively new technologies, which are opening up new markets. With its own cryptocurrency and mainstream interest for those who have grown rapidly in recent years, this technology has led to many startups, raising funds through the ICO or through more traditional business options. The majority of projects are related to what is called tokenization.

Apart from a large number of existing proposals on the cryptocurrency market, many projects added their ideas to this list, while introducing some of their chips and features. One of the most common topics among crypto-currency developers is the infrastructure that allows users to interact with the real world more quickly and more comfortably to have digital assets on their balances.

But, no matter how big the project is. In the world, there are still very few high-quality solutions that can do anything about popularizing cryptocurrency in the masses. Many projects that we repeatedly consider with you have flaws and nuances that hinder their rapid development.

The project, which we will consider today, also sets global goals, seeks to destroy the barriers that exist between cryptocurrency and other goods, products and services from our lives.Finans alanındaki uzmanlar, jetonların gelecekte mükemmel bir karlılık sağlayacak şekilde çalışacağına inanmaktadır. Bir ICO'ya sahip olan bir kuruluş, bir finansal uzmanın varlıklarını, amaçlarını veya konumunu tanıtmak, yada dijital bir para birimi oluşturmak için bir yöntem olarak kullanır. ICO'lar, yatırımcılar veya bankaların ihtiyaç duyduğu titiz ve hedeflenen sermaye artırma prosedürünü atlatmak için yeni nesil şirketler tarafından kullanılmaktadır.

ICO'da belirlenen kritik bir faktör, varlıkların derhal çekilmesidir. Başka bir deyişle, işler asla reklamlardaki gibi değildir. Spekülatörler, bir ürünün yaratılmasının hiç bir aşamasını finanse etmez, kalitesini araştırmaz ve çeşitli finansman turlarında gösteri için varlık sağlamazlar. ICO, sadece ürünün değil aynı zamanda şirketin tüm faaliyet süresi boyunca kendi kendine yetecek hale gelene kadar büyük miktarda para toplanmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle, bir ICO başlatan işletme, aslında herhangi bir bütçe kontrolüne sahip olmasa da, girişimi için iyi şeyler vaad etmeye devam edebilir.

Product Protocol Nedir?
Product Protocol kitle fonlama ve kitle borçlanma kampanyaları temeline dayanan, dijital varlık yayınlama, tüm iş süreçleri, fon yönetimi ve finansal operasyonlarla entegrasyon sağlayan açık kaynaklı bir protokoldür. Product Protocol, bir girişimcinin varlıklarını belirtmesine ve ölçeklendirme için fon yaratmasına izin veren bir platform oluşturmaya odaklanmıştır.

Product Protocol'deki şirketler her zamankinden daha fazla ölçeklenebilir. Varlıkların belirteçlendirilmesi için evrensel bir belirteç anında dijital bir varlık oluşturmanıza olanak tanır ve merkezi olmayan bir pazar ile dünyanın her yerinden insanların bunu satın almasını sağlar.

Mevcut piyasadaki en temel sorun, piyasa yatırımcıları arasında şüphe yaratan yanıltıcı verilerdir. Kuşkusuz, iş göremezlik, yaşama, küçülme iş sektörü ölçüsüdür. Yeterli temel liderlik ve kaynakların bulunmaması, yöneticilerin araçlarının ve hızlı pazar ikilemesinin basitleştirilmesi, temel liderlik için daha temelli yöntemlere ilgi duyulmasına neden olmaktadır. Gerçek parasal kaynakların teknolojileştirilmesi, üssel olarak gelişme şansı ve yeni fırsatlar doğurmaktadır. Hızlı ve zararsız onayını anlamak zordur. 2017 yılında katılımla birlikte yıllık gelirler 500.000 - 5 milyon ABD Dolarıdır.

Product Protocol'de, iki orijinal gelişmiş kaynak ve kare zincir teknolojileri kullanılarak, Product Protocol'e bağlı bir kuruluşun, mevcut konuların üstesinden gelmek için işletmeden faydalanan merkeziyetsiz reklamı yapılacaktır.

Tokenleştirme alanında, iş için bir teşvik yaparak, bir başka ilerleme finansman prosedürü yerine getirilecektir. Bu, gerçek zincir kare ve gerçek iş seçimlerine ilişkin şöhreti arttırıyor ve farklı faaliyet yöntemlerine katlanarak ilgi duyuyor.

Kaynak belirleme, ayırt etme, dijitalleştirme, karmaşık kriterleri değerlendirme, durumlarını tarama, kaynak belirleme dahil olmak üzere sorumluluk verme konularında kullanılabilir. Bu, toklaştırılmış kaynakların ticaretine bağlı olarak gerçek ekonomideki üyeler için bilgisayarlı yaşamdır. Bu, başka bir dünya inşa etme olasılığını doğrulayacaktır.

Şu anda, kare zincir yeniliğinin kullanımı yalnızca kriptografik işlemler ve belirteçler tarafından teoriye indirgenmiştir. Bu arada, kalkınma seçimlerinin ve karmaşıklığın ilerlemesinin onları üyelerin köklü bağlantıları ile tanıştığı gerekçesiyle finansal yönlerden yararlanılabilir.

Product Protocol vizyonu, iş kültivatörlerinin çoğuna açık sözleşmeler vermektir. Kullanma ihtimaliniz dışında, süreyi kısaltmak, tehlike ile ilgili maliyetleri düşürmek ve güvence zincirini değiştirmek düşünülebilir. Veya bir öğeyi veya idareyi hareket ettirirken diğer taraftan da hazır aşamadan yararlanabilirsiniz. Kare zinciri kullanmayan kuruluşlar kriptografik piyasa likiditesini göz ardı etmemektedir ve kendi belirteçlerinin verilmesiyle belirlenen sorunların% 90'ından uzak durmaktadır. Taşınan kayıtları kullanmaya başlayabilir, girişimde bulunabilir ve yeni pazarlar açabilirsiniz.

Elverişli koşullar ve Tokenizasyonun yararları, gelişmiş avantaj alanına girmenin yoludur. Bir kazancın ileri alanda belirleyici olması durumunda varlıkların cinsidir. Dinamik olmayan veya kaymayan herhangi bir kaynağın belirtilmesi düşünülebilir. Örneğin, nominal para birimi, menkul kıymetler, borç, ulaşım, şehir inşaatı, gerçek ev, vb.

Bütçe kaynaklarına ilişkin sorumluluğun belirtilmesi, örneğin parayla ilgili menkul kıymetleştirme gibi parasal bir etki yaratmaktadır. Farklı bir deyişle, açık bir piyasaya fon sağlama şansı tanıyan bir kıyı kaynağı haline gelmektedir. Düzenleme, bilgisayarlı için ilgi ve avantajlara işaret etmektedir:

Kaynaklardaki verilere erişim haklarının yerelleştirilmesi
Faydaların mülkiyeti nadir görülen bir bağımsız mülkiyete sahip olma
Varlık anlaşmaları ve kaynaklara ve ilgili piyasa üyelerine verilere ilişkin gereksiz bilgilerin elde edilmesi
Veri şifreleme koruması ve onaylanmayan
Uyarlanabilir sözleşmelere ve anlayışlı sözleşmelere bağlı iş gerekçesiyle robotizasyon.

Tokenlenmiş kaynakların bakımı, yönetimi ve ticareti, kare zincirli bir ağın içinde dağınık bir prosedürdür. Varlıkların belirteci inovasyonu ile geliştirilen yöneticiler sistemi, kullanımın etkinliğini önemli ölçüde artırabilir, şans potansiyelini ve yöneticilerin maliyetlerini azaltabilir.
Token Dağılımı

65 milyon PPO tokeni ICO ile satışa sunuluyor. 5 milyon PPO pazarlama çalışmaları ve danışman ödemeleri için ayrılmış durumda. 15 milyon PPO ile platform desteklenecek. 15 milyon PPO ise takım için rezerv edilmiş durumda. Toplamda 100 milyon PPO basılacak.

Fon Dağılımı

Toplanan fonun yüzde 35'lik dilimi proje geliştirmeleri ve PP coin fonu için ayrılmış. Yüzde 30 gibi büyük bir kısmı pazarlama ve platform üzerinden jetonlaştırılacak ilk ürün için rezerv edilmiş. Yüzde 15 takıma, yüzde 10 hukuksal destekler için ayrılırken yüzde 10luk diğer bir dilim de teknolojik destek için ayrılmış.

Yol Haritası
Projenin yol haritasını incelediğimizde 2017 yılından 2018 yılının ortalarına kadar olan bir süre proje fikrinin olgunlaşması ve ekibin toparlanmasıyla geçirilmiş.

2018 yılının üçüncü çeyreğinde piyasa öncülleriyle özel görüşmeler ve pazarlama kampanyaları yürütülmüş.

2018 yılının son çeyreğinde MVP ortaya konulmuş. Bu başlamamış bir ICO için çok değerli. Ayrıca bu dönemde özel satış ve ondan fazla reel sektör firmasıyla entegrasyon sağlanması için çalışmalar başlamış.

Bu yıla gelindiğinde 10 reel sektör firmasıyla entegrasyonlar için çalışmaların devam ettiğini ve bunun üçüncü çeyreğe değin süreceğini görüyoruz. Ayrıca genel satış ve jeton dağılımının da bu dönemde yapılacağı belirtilmiş durumda.

Yol haritasının açıklanan kısmının son bölümünde ise bu yılın üçüncü çeyreğinden itibaren platformun açılışı ve PPO jetonunun borsalarda listelenmesi hedefleniyor. Reel sektör firmalarıyla yürütülen entegrasyon çalışmalarının 40'tan fazla firmaya büyümesi bekleniyor. Ve bölgesel bir projeden çıkarak, uluslararası bir açılım yapma hedefindeler.


Selasa, 11 Juni 2019

GREENBIT - The Global Agricultural Revolution by Block Chain

Greetings, Success to You All in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time Adifariz I invite you to review the project, an interesting GREENBIT that will guide you to your next success.

The agricultural market is the largest consumer market in the world and by 2020 this market is expected to reach $ 8.5 trillion. We have reached a digital turning point that is expected to grow in the online market. So the huge challenge is the exponential growth in access to global markets and the scale of digital assets. The targeted segment of the GREENBIT project, online agricultural trade, is expected to grow from $ 1 billion market capitalization to $ 3.1 trillion by 2020, trading approximately 30% of the market. Only GREENBIT's targeted segment, online food and health, is expected to grow from $ 98 billion in 2015 to $ 29 billion in 2020.


Educate customers / customers about good investment options and possible payment strategies with the development of the universe.
Encryption-to-Fiat billing and promotion of peer-to-peer payments.
Immediate cryptocurrency payments without restrictions.
Promote agricultural trade and retail trade and services at all levels.
Mobile Encryption Bank Solution [GREENBITBank]: Smartphone apps have everything you need for payment, remittance and currency exchange.

Make sure the client gets the best deal.
Loyalty programs for all transactions and increased cash refunds and cash refunds to token holders.


GREENBIT is the first block of CRYPTOAGRO-based currencies with unique ecosystems and physical entities that trade the most traded crops in the world with more than a billion employees, distributed markets for farmers, traders, grocery stores, agro- is. GREENBIT offers a decentralized payment system that allows you to transfer these values ​​across borders. Please visit .

Features and Functions of GREENBIT
Central Farm Network (CFN)
This is a secure trading platform for traders and value chain service providers. The Central Farm Network replicates farm assets around the world based on community spectral voting and market speculation as a community's steady growth and valuation.


Sends the value in milliseconds using the direct payment channel. Transaction processing is much more efficient because each block of Greenbit can be Hypercube Routing to speed up. The structure is very flexible.


Agricultural markets are the most traded markets. This means that millions of transactions per second can be safely handled. Thanks to its unique multi-green bit architecture.
Accessibility and flexibility
Process nodes perform only useful tasks to maximize efficiency, and each block of TON Greenbit becomes its own Greenbit, making the structure highly accessible and flexible.


Uniquely create the value of being rewarded through decentralized, fully funded investments and a unique single world agricultural trading platform.
Green bit ecosystem

The financial world is overtaken and confused by blockchain technology through the adoption of various cryptocurrencies. The old way has changed and GREENBIT is a unique digital currency ecosystem that is developing a one-stop market for economic and agricultural businesses.
GREENBIT is a unique platform for building and integrating global agriculture to your needs with blockchain technology. Governments, job centers, and individuals can track company technology, goods and service meeting demand and availability.

GREENBIT is designed to create a valuable token through the global agricultural economy and to build a platform where global agricultural processes operate in a single market and have their own ecosystem. Way? Private block through the chain community!

GREENBIT was created to combine the development of jets in food, health products, powerful space and technology, while at the same time taking advantage of the benefits of agriculture, world economy and technology development.

GREENBIT creates a cryptanalytic ecosystem in the agricultural trade process between agricultural industry, industrial farmers, farmers, merchants, and list consumers. This will provide quick trading opportunities through agricultural mobile payments and an easy location in one place for agricultural products and services. One farm, one market, one world, one economy and one currency

The assets of GREENBIT are the CENTRAL FARM NETWORK, which is insured for all tokens in the market. The farm is set to auto-growing revenue, increasing the value and capital of GREENBIT by adding value regularly to the assets of every token owner in the market (GREENBIT)
Greenbit Token Distribution

Deploy to community: ============= 65%
Project financing: ==================== 15%
Team: === ============ 8%
Partners: ====================== ==== 5%
Campaign: === ================== 5%
Advisor: ============= ============= 2% Predicted an annual increase in coin production of $ 333 billion in five years

Token sales


Our Team


If you are not interested in additional information and updates, development, teaming, support, and technology, stakeholders will be invited to join the whitelist on the appropriate list at .
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Senin, 13 Mei 2019

WISE - Potere IoT e M2M Economy!

per partecipare al progetto, devi leggere le informazioni che ti aiuteranno a ottenere informazioni che possano aiutarti a vedere la tua visione e missione

La tecnologia blockchain è probabilmente la migliore invenzione dall'avvento di Internet. È attraverso l'applicazione di questa tecnologia, in combinazione con l'intelligenza artificiale e l'Internet delle cose, che è possibile creare una nuova economia in cui l'interazione viene effettuata tra dispositivi intelligenti. L'uso della tecnologia blockchain consente di escludere gli intermediari e passare a un sistema decentralizzato che garantisca la transizione della società a un alto tenore di vita.

Per implementare l'idea esistente è necessario combinare queste tecnologie in un'unica rete. Questo approccio consentirà di elaborare un grande flusso di dati che viene trasmesso da miliardi di dispositivi in ​​tutto il mondo. Finora non è stata presentata alcuna soluzione che integri tutte queste tecnologie.

Per risolvere tutti i problemi sopra elencati e fornire alle persone molti strumenti utili, gli esperti hanno sviluppato il progetto WISE.

Wise Network è un progetto che intende fornire servizi di alta qualità alle persone in tutte le sfere della vita. Per dare vita alla loro idea, gli sviluppatori hanno creato un dispositivo speciale che combina tutte le tecnologie sopra citate e si chiama Ansuz Chip. Il dispositivo è costituito da diversi componenti:

un processore che ha più connettori per connettersi e gira su una scheda che esegue Linux;
memorizzazione di chiavi private per l'accesso al tuo portafoglio e all'interazione con Blockchain Wise;
il processore per operazioni più veloci delle reti neurali.

Tutti i dispositivi Anzus Chip trasmetteranno i dati attraverso la propria rete. Le informazioni sulla piattaforma verranno elaborate con l'aiuto dell'intelligenza artificiale, che consente di riconoscere il parlato, i diversi codici e testi. I dati saranno analizzati e confrontati con altre informazioni per ottimizzare le azioni degli utenti della piattaforma.

Gli strumenti e le funzioni della piattaforma possono essere applicati in vari ambiti della vita delle persone:

il sistema può trovare e pagare un posto auto per la tua auto;
la piattaforma consente di selezionare il percorso migliore per il trasporto merci, aiuta a eseguire tutti i documenti e riduce il prezzo del servizio;
il sistema analizza e offre raccomandazioni per il trattamento dei pazienti; con l'Internet delle cose, puoi gestire la semina e la raccolta. Questa sarà una caratteristica molto utile per gli agricoltori.

Tutti i dati ricevuti da vari dispositivi saranno protetti da terze parti da una tecnologia speciale che garantisce il cambio di informazioni e garantisce l'affidabilità. Il sistema crittograferà le informazioni utilizzando un algoritmo speciale e proteggerà la connessione all'interno della rete. I contratti intelligenti saranno utilizzati per eseguire varie operazioni.

I creatori del progetto hanno rilasciato il loro chip in diverse versioni:

chip installato sulla scheda SIM per smartphone, che offre agli utenti dello smartphone nuove funzioni;
scheda madre per i gadget;
piccole scatole nere.

I principali mezzi di pagamento all'interno della piattaforma saranno token WSE. La prevendita dei token inizierà il 19 aprile e continuerà fino al 19 giugno 2019. La vendita pubblica inizierà il 19 luglio e durerà fino al 30 settembre 2019.

Credo che il progetto Wise sarà in grado di attrarre un vasto pubblico, perché crea un nuovo modello di relazioni economiche nel mondo. Gli sviluppatori della piattaforma intendono ottimizzare tutti i processi nel mondo, per rendere le transazioni veloci e senza intermediari. Il progetto merita l'attenzione degli investitori, perché crea un prodotto popolare e ha una forte squadra di sviluppatori.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2019

xCrypt - The Hybrid Exchange
Greetings, Success to You All in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time Adifariz I invite you to review the interesting XCRYPT project that will lead you to your next success.
xCrypt, a full-fledged hybrid crypto exchange platform, is gearing up for its highly anticipated token sale on the 24th of May. The platform is aspiring to be at the forefront of the fintech revolution by combining the traditional world of finance with the vast array of innovations made possible by blockchain technology.

The xCrypt platform is currently in its launch phase, which is good news for investors as the native token that powers the exchange ecosystem can still be purchased. For the token sale, the xCrypt team decided to take the Initial Exchange Offering route in collaboration with IDAX. With the platform’s support for cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies and securities and its impressive list of strategic partnerships, an integrated debit card and innovative social media trading features, the xCrypt IEO is a token sale to get excited about. 

What is xCrypt?
The xCrypt platform is establishing an end-to-end crypto-asset exchange ecosystem catering to every need of the crypto investor. Given that the exchange industry is highly competitive, any new exchange entering this space has to include features that make it stick out from competition, and xCrypt does just that.

For starters, users of xCrypt enjoy 0% transaction fees for using the platform. The multi-language exchange is developed to operate on any device and has a highly intuitive interface.

Additionally, the platform has ensured legal compliance that goes a few steps further than the majority of existing exchanges and allows for the listing of a large variety of tokens, including securities, security token offerings (STOs) and ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens. The STO marketplace is scheduled to be released during the fourth quarter of 2019 and xCrypt will also support a decentralized marketplace for crypto assets, which can be either based on the Ethereum blockchain or other blockchains that allow for assets to be built on top of it.
Project Goals

Goal is to provide everything needed for crypto-profit under the same roof. All in a high secure and ultra performant ecosystem. top priority are users. Mission is to contribute to the development of the cryptocurrency community's security. They will develop the next generation ecosystem based on blockchain technology that offers all cryptocurrency related operations from: securing different blockchains through the mining process, trading and storing cryptocurrency, up to make the cryptocurrency available on traditional payment methods. This will help users save money and will protect them against fraud through the use of smart contracts.

Creating a business ecosystem involves re-configuring the entire activity chain to harness the capabilities of complementary partners in ways that create more value for the end customer. The idea that a company’s own success partly depends on the performance of its surrounding ecosystem – the network of firms, institutions and individuals with which it interacts – is by no means new. There are four reasons to believe that ecosystem relationships will become increasingly important in determining future competitive success. First, in the face of rising investment demands and increased costs of complexity, many companies are seeking to focus on fewer core activities. This enables them to target their capital expenditure on deploying the latest technology on their core processes and to concentrate on deepening their core competencies. The adage “focus and win” has become a popular catch phrase. But shrinking to a focused core of activities is at odds with customers who are increasingly demanding more complete solutions to their needs that bring together multiple products and services in complex, often customised, bundles.
Unique features

The xCrypt ecosystem will also include a debit card, both physical and virtual, that allows for storing and spending the most popular cryptocurrencies. This service is powered by the project’s deal with WirexApp, a company providing cryptocurrency payment solutions through their Wirex Visa card. xCrypt is also aiming to establish a future partnership with WirexApp to expand the debit card utility.

Additionally, xCrypt also introduces the innovative concept of Social Media Trading, which is an advanced investment solution that enables seasoned traders and investors to set up and manage joint funds in which other investors can buy into. SMT has rapidly been gaining popularity in recent years as it allows for elaborate tools for information and skill sharing, allowing more novice investors to select traders of their choosing and profit from the experience of these professionals. For more information on the Social Media Trading feature and the platform as a whole
Project Advantages

The development of xCrypt ecosystem services, and the influx of new users, will create a strong and steady demand for XCT; 10% of XCT profits will be buyback and burn each each quarter, Each user holding XCT receive dividends from the rest of company profit. XCT will be available on major cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users and investors to trade instantly.

Thus, the XCT ICO is valuable to the following market participants:
Crypto investors may profit from selling XCT in secondary markets or holding XCT as a low-risk asset in their investment portfolios;
interested users of xCrypt's services can obtain XCT at a discounted price.

xCrypt Ecosystem

xCRTYPT is the first crypto ecosystem with an high added value with the heart in its exchange: hybrid, ready for securities and for a marketplace made for the ERC721. We created this end to end system which includes a debit card and a social platform for our users to interact and create a strong community. This ecosystem is made to be at the same level as the world’s big players, and even surpass them, for we are already suitable in this field’s future. The differencies between xCrypt and its competitors are several and are going to be explained below, in a user friendly graphic. We are convinced that our end to end ecosystem could attire small, medium and large investors.
xCrypt Ecosystem will develop two Exchange Platforms

We all know that unless we’re different from our competitor, we can never expect to be in the top of the market. We also know unless we show customers what makes us different, there is little reason for them to believe in our product.

With more and more competitors, constant improvements and technological changes, it is now very difficult to stand out. To do so, we must first focus on our strengths and build on the xCrypt ecosystem to take over new markets and reach a bigger target!

Today, we decided to play along and give you our greatest qualities, how we stand out from our competitors and why you should choose xCrypt.

We strive to offer an industry-leading trading experience, tutorials and platform that allow you to trade like a professional trader. Learn software, creative, and business skills to achieve your personal and professional goals and trade like a pro in a very secure environment.

All these different aspects of securing the business environment are connected to the current focus on trading facilitation, the implementation of zero fess transaction.

In order to achieve zero fee transactions, we want to implement a marketing strategy that will benefit both our investors and our traders, apart from profit opportunities for the trading our users will benefit from our affiliate reward system each user you refer to our platform can bring you a extra passive profit.

xCrypt is a trading platform designed to exchange and trade the coins in a peer-to-peer environment. The xCrypt token can also be bought and sold with both fiat currencies and alternative cryptocurrencies. As an addition to this, the price of the coin will be determined by the different market forces and cryptocurrency exchange systems. The price of the coin does not have a maximum level, meaning that it can increase to remarkable values.

xCrypt Ecosystem Advantage
What makes our trading platform stand out?
Fully compliant trading operations
Centralized & Decentralized Exchange Platfor
Withdraw FIAT from cryptocurrencies
Store FIAT and cryptocurrencies
ERC 20 & ERC 721 Supports
Airdrop Ranking System*
Securities Token
Custom Built Bot Trading
Dependable Digital Wallets
100% Encrypted Platform
Multi Language Platform
Fast Deposits and Withdrawals
Exchange FIAT and Cryptocurrencies
Make Payments with FIAT and Cryptocurrencies
Providing tutorials and webinars from expert traders
User friendly website interface and mobile app
Token Details
Token Name: xCrypt
Token Ticker: XCT
Total Supply: 200,000,000
Token type: ERC-20 Token

Private Sale is Live on
Token Value: 1 XCT = 0.10 USD
Bonus: %50

Token Value: 1 XCT = 1 USD
Soft cap: 7 Million USD
Hard cap: 75 Million USD
IDAX IEO Phase 1 Bonus: %20
IDAX IEO Phase 2 Bonus: NA
BITFOREX IEO Phase 2 Bonus: NA

Author : adifariz

Sabtu, 13 April 2019

Salam Sukses Untuk Anda Semua Dalam Komunitas BLG 
Kembali dengan saya , adifariz kali ini saya mengundang Anda untuk meninjau proyek . 


 yang sangat menarik yang akan menuntun Anda menuju kesuksesan 

Perkembangan teknologi mengubah hidup kita pada tingkat yang luar biasa. Setiap hari kita melihat hal-hal baru diproduksi dan dipasarkan. Hal-hal yang baru biasanya membuat hidup kita lebih mudah. Produksi 3D juga dikenal dengan kontribusi produksi yang salah satunya.
Erecoin adalah alkimia dari rantai produksi aditif. Ini menggabungkan peluang yang diciptakan oleh pengembangan teknis dengan teknologi blockchain dan membangun proses yang akan menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Karena peluang yang diciptakan oleh aplikasi teknologi blockchain, kontribusi produksi benda nyata akan bebas dari kendala teknis. Dengan demikian, merancang dan memproduksi objek kompleks di masa depan akan semudah menghasilkan pencetakan warna di rumah.

Ketika teknologi memasuki pasar baru, itu membawa beberapa masalah juga. Masalah dalam industri musik, di mana kekayaan intelektual tidak terlindungi secara efektif, ada di depan mata. Dalam dunia digital template pencetakan 3D, perlu untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Teknologi Blockchain akan memberi Anda kesempatan untuk membuat kontrak yang cerdas, menyelesaikan masalah hukum dan teknis.
Saat Anda melakukan pembelian, kontrak biasanya ditandatangani dan disetujui oleh kedua pihak. Pengaturan yang bisa disiapkan dalam bentuk bisa dibuat; kadang-kadang, bahkan tanpa persetujuan notaris, kontrak dapat memberikan jaminan yang memadai bagi kedua belah pihak. Situasi untuk produksi aditif 3D sedikit berbeda. Terkadang sulit untuk menyetujui produk. Pihak-pihak dapat berkata, "Bukan itu yang saya inginkan." Semua masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan kontrak pintar blockchain.

Aturan untuk pertukaran dan penggunaan data diintegrasikan ke dalam rantai blockchain. Ini adalah dasar dari hubungan kepercayaan untuk semua sisi proses. Kontrak pintar teknologi blockchain untuk produksi volume rendah sangat mudah. Dalam hal terjadi perselisihan, tidak perlu pergi ke pengadilan, karena solusi akan terjadi dalam perjanjian pintar.
Teknologi Blockchain menawarkan berbagai peluang. Dari ilustrasi digital pertama hingga produk akhir, seluruh rantai produksi memanfaatkan ini. Dengan demikian, produksi bebas dari ketergantungan pusat-pusat yang kaya secara ekonomi dan finansial. Individu atau perusahaan dapat merancang, memodifikasi dan memproduksi produk mereka menggunakan platform Erecoin, di mana pun mereka berada dalam geografi. 

Produksi aditif memiliki berbagai aplikasi:
1 - pengembangan produk digital: produk yang diproduksi menggunakan teknologi produksi aditif yang didukung digital merupakan keuntungan bagi persaingan. Pemodelan 3D, visualisasi, dan pengujian penting untuk mencapai keunggulan ini.
2 - Teknik Luar Angkasa: ini adalah salah satu sektor yang paling memanfaatkan teknologi kontribusi. Terutama studi penghematan bahan bakar yang menarik untuk bidang ini.
3 - teknik mesin: produksi aditif untuk teknik mesin sangat penting. Integrasi fungsional sangat penting, terutama dengan mengurangi jumlah bagian dalam suatu produk.
4 - industri otomotif: contoh penggunaan yang sangat sukses terlihat di bidang ini. Cetakan dapat dibuat lebih mudah dengan menggunakan teknik aditif untuk tooling body (casting).
5 - Obat-obatan: berbagai prostesis individu, orthosis diproduksi menggunakan data dari pemindai 3D atau computed tomography.
Terutama gigi tiruan yang rumit geometris dan ortotik memainkan peran penting dalam produksi aditif. Produksi prostesis dan Orthotics dengan biaya lebih rendah meningkatkan kualitas hidup karena memenuhi kebutuhan kebutuhan orang-orang yang membutuhkan.
Gagasan utama sistem Erecoin adalah untuk melakukan operasi yang transparan dan aman dalam produksi bahan tambahan. Blockchain dan integrasi kecerdasan buatan menyelesaikan masalah lisensi dalam file 3D. Penyedia layanan, seperti penyedia pencetakan 3D dan digitizers 3D, juga bekerja langsung pada platform.

Token Erecoin (ere) didasarkan pada basis Ethereum. ETH digunakan saat memproses. Dalam proses di dalam platform, ere token digunakan. Pelanggan platform Erecoin memiliki kesempatan untuk membeli token Erecoin (ere) selama fase ICO. Token erecoin (ere) meningkatkan nilainya saat digunakan dalam layanan di dalam sistem.

Alhasil, Erecoin adalah platform yang cocok untuk menembus pasar maupun secara teknologi. Ini memberi pelanggan layanan yang aman untuk penggunaan dan kontribusi printer 3D yang ada dan memastikan bahwa mereka memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Di masa depan, di industri, yang diperkirakan akan tumbuh cukup cepat, Erecoin akan menjadi pemain hebat.

Pembagian token



Peta Jalan

Penulis : adifariz

Sabtu, 06 April 2019

WINDHAN - The Blockchain-based Renewable Energy Crowdfunding and Trading Platform

Greetings, Success to You All in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time Adifariz I invite you to review the project. Interesting WINDHAN that will lead you to your next success.
For humanity at the moment of time one of the most important resources for its normal life is energy. And to be more precise, the electricity with which everything works around. If we didn’t have electricity, we would have lived in an uncivilized world, where the only source of light was a kerosene lamp and candles.

Now we are surrounded by just tens of thousands of electrical appliances and sensors working from them. Starting with the usual kitchen, ending with medical institutions, shopping centres and other large enterprises. All of them depend on a constant and uninterrupted power supply.

Powerful power plants provide us with this electricity, which, alas, do not always benefit by their actions. After all, many of these power plants are very dangerous and harmful to our health and the ecological state of our land. And of course I’m talking about these types of stations that use nuclear power, and non-renewable sources of raw materials to generate a powerful flow of electricity. Unfortunately, the consequences of the work of such stations are simply enormous and something needs to be solved.


At the same time, a large number of people around the world are working to solve the existing problems.they offer the use of alternative sources of energy, green and renewable, derived from natural resources such as the sun, water and wind. These three components are a kind of flagship of an environmentally friendly energy source, the processing of which does not harm others and especially does not carry any threat to the environment.

But despite the fact that this alternative is obvious, many States do not want to Finance the construction of new environmentally friendly “green” energy sources. Therefore, this progress lies more on the shoulders of energy enthusiasts, whose main mission is to implement this qualitative transition to renewable energy sources.

About the project
The project whose idea we will consider, to seek to solve these problems described above. At the same time, it is possible to additionally use modern technologies with the help of which any brilliant idea can be realized. And this project is called Windhan.

The project itself is developed on the basis of Ethereum blockchain and has a number of advantages that allow it to use this technology as a crowdfunding, attracting large investments in its project in order to realize its global idea of creating renewable energy sources.

Design feature
In addition to the funds that the Windhan project intends to collect with its internal token, the developers are trying to eliminate the bureaucratic layer between the energy source and its consumer. This maneuver will significantly reduce all costs thereby reducing the final cost of electricity itself.

Moreover, investors who took part in the formation of this project will be able to get a nice profit for the contribution they made at the initial stage. At the same time, they will also have a great opportunity to use this energy and pay for it with their purchased tokens.

The place of dislocation
The developers intend to use the natural forces and power of the territory of Kazakhstan, as for this they have all the necessary indicators: strong winds and a lot of sun. Moreover, Kazakhstan itself offers preferential tariffs for renewable energy sources, which makes them even more affordable. Moreover, all the documents and agreements for the start of construction work Windhan were approved by the state of Kazakhstan, which once again proves the beginning of all work processes.


Moreover, the place chosen on the map of Kazakhstan was not chosen by chance, it was analyzed by the German company, which during the year subjected to the measurement of wind flows and concluded that the wind speed throughout the year is 7.8 m/s.Therefore, this place is considered the most favorable for the installation of 27 wind turbines Enercon E-126.


It is important to note that this project already has all the necessary legislative and legal agreements to carry out its actions, which is very pleasing. Moreover, the developers clearly know the amount they need to implement this concept. In their reports they provide a clear financial model of what is how much, indicating even the final amount including VAT. To be honest, the amount required is not small because only the production of 27 wind turbines will cost the project 134 million euros, and this will include a lot of other costs. Therefore, the ICO is necessary to collect the necessary funds by crowdfunding.


The details of the ICO
As I mentioned earlier, the process itself is built on the principle of a decentralized network, where each token is backed by a smart contract and has some power. The token that will be presented to the audience is called – WHN. The owners of this token will have a wide range of access and opportunities provided by Windhan. This will include VIP membership, and access to resources at any time, as well as a large number of different promotions, discounts and loyalty systems.

In total, 250 million coins will be issued for the development of the project. Of these, 190 million will be allocated for the installation of all wind turbines, the remaining part will be distributed among the founding team, and the other part will be allocated for the further development of the project. In total, 5 stages of sales will be allocated by means of which investors will be able to purchase each of the tokens at a special price. The minimum will be 0.65 EUR per 1 WHN, after which it will reach its maximum of 0.96 EUR per 1 WHN.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:



author: adifariz

Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

SAITERM – Equipment Commodity Backed Wprldwide Innovative Heating Technology

Greetings, Success to You All in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time Adifariz I invite you to review an interesting project that will lead you to your next success.

The extraordinary heating energetic-efficiency. At home, at work. In the automotive industrial process. SPRING The revolutionary heating system. Extraordinary energetic-effienct heating systems for homes, officies, warehouses and community facilities. RADIANT The new standard of endothermic system for industrial heating solutions with very high energetic efficiency, for application and production cycles, such as for the drying of paint products and leather.

Technology blocks with unique features and specifically distributed data management, resolving confidence issues - will change the face of many areas in the world. In a digital economy, sellers and buyers can be directly connected without intermediaries. So the transactions are fast and transaction costs are significantly reduced. That's exactly what blokchain technology will help change the world.

Together with blocks, electronic money is also emerging as an advantage that investors around the world prefer. Although officials around the world are very cautious about this type of asset and many countries have yet to provide a clear legal framework for electronic money, in one day electronic money still reaches billions of dollars. This volume will not stop there when the world has more than 170 electronic trading platforms with more than 100,000 registered users every day.

In the future of blockchain as well as electronic money is very difficult to predict. But now the electronic money industry is still in its infancy and has great potential for development. Today, more and more platform developments are offered to solve the problems of the traditional financial industry, and even resolve the reproduction of newly created modern technologies. Therefore, the number of financial solutions using block technology will increase, including Saiterm

Saiterm is an online platform that seeks to develop cutting-edge technology products that reduce emission and have minimum energy consumption. Saiterm also aims at improving its users’ quality of life and improving the productivity of employees working in different industrial sectors by improving the quality of the working environment.

With the increased demand for electricity in developed and emerging countries, there is also an increased demand for renewable energy sources and systems that are more efficient in terms of their energy consumption levels.

This has been the main motivation for Saiterm to develop energy efficient solutions that are innovative and can adapt to future trends. The solutions presented by Saiterm are in form of room heaters for homes, offices, shopping centers, warehouses or community centers. The solutions are designed to suit industrial heat treatment for uses such as drying of paint.

Saiterm’s Innovative System
Saiterm ensures energy efficiency in domestic heating and industrial heat treatment through its Spring and Radiant systems which provides the users with numerous benefits such a healthy domestic and work environment, improved productivity and reduced processing and emission costs.

The spring heating system will be extraordinary products that enhance the quality of infrared heating from the sun, which will subsequently improve energy efficiency and comfort. The spring panels manufactured by Saiterm will absorb all the infrared emitted by the sun rays and convert them to heat.

The heat produced will then be transferred to the front surface that emits the heat. A radiant surface made of a special alloy receives the heat and disperses it into the environment in an effective way. The Spring DHS integrated into the panels allows users to attain the required room temperature in a short amount of time.

The Saiterm Radiant system is an endothermic panel for car bodyshops that reduces the electricity consumption while ensuring that efficiency is at a maximum. Users can manage all the phases of painting automatically using their smartphone or tablet.

The “Spring” infrared heating method would seriously change the way in which property owners hold heat in the future. Infrared heating keeps folks warm by means of growing the warmness of the sun to your face. Not like gas or electric techniques that produce air currents, “Spring” transforms every single watt of energy via heating individuals instantly. When the physique absorbs infrared warmth, it increases blood circulation and improves the immune method by way of reducing irritation and joint soreness.

Saiterm's panels unlock warmth evenly and gently, enabling air temperatures to upward thrust step by step and thereby making the dwelling environment extremely relaxed. The panels require only 460 watts of energy to reach over 85°C, therefore achieving the first-rate ratio between energy consumption and heat emission on hand. Compared to natural gas and electric heating, the process presents homeowners significant vigor financial savings and can be more cost-effective than the more efficient rival units, even when in comparison with underfloor heating, which is on average 236 percent more pricey to manage.

“Spring” is essentially the most efficient heating method on the earth, and I suppose that infrared technological know-how allows homeowners to diminish power costs and shield the atmosphere even as” stated Salvatore Morale, CEO of Saiterm. “Embracing infrared technological know-how, the world can are living and work in maximum comfort respecting the atmosphere of the planet”.

“Spring” is available for home and commercial houses and will be sold in one of a kind sizes. The method can be controlled remotely from a smartphone, pill, and thermostat and it can be without difficulty hooked up on a wall or ceiling. It does no longer require piping or maintenance, making it an economical and ecological heating resolution for houses and businesses, new or to be restored, or to reinforce the relief of a single room.

We become every single watt into pure warmness, because of the study and patents that Saiterm has utilized to the SPRING panels. The information indicates that the Saiterm SPRING panels, boast the fine price per /warmness ratio on the earth. We scale down - indeed - we enormously cut consumption, as under no circumstances before. There are not any comparative products, both amongst typical techniques, akin to gas, pellet, heat pumps, or among techniques, it sounds as if just like the Spring panels

In fact, the theme of heating any room is one of the most acute in our society. Because traditional sources of heat:

Spending too much resources;
The heating system itself is expensive, both during installation and during its further operation;
Price/quality does not match;
Everything else is not always good for our health.
I think many of you who live certainly not on the equator, at least once in the winter time paid for utilities for heating your home and the cost of services often caused an unpleasant shock. As a rule, this amount is very impressive and unfortunately from year to year only grows. At the same time, the boilers that supply us with this heat often do not meet environmental standards and when burning a particular type of fuel emit a huge amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Which in turn adversely affect our environment with you. Thus, the cycle of action affecting all of us is formed.

To break this vicious circle one very ambitious company which understands all gravity of the events therefore it is ready to show us the new, universal environmentally friendly heating system aspires.

It’s far basic to understand that the spring frameworks have been intended to guarantee comfort and pleasantly being. It is the reason there are numerous focal points

As I expressed, progressive circle springs are the extraordinary expense for money. Since we might be straightforward and simple to put in and don’t require any additional substances and gear to control. Spring has no inclinations or charges.
The created warmth isn’t in futile, which ensures a sentiment of unobtrusive, top of the line and lovely warm temperature.
Each of the three keeps running of the spring, so it could be smooth, and obviously breath. This disposes of utilizing lotions because of the reality we are not required. On the other hand, by methods for consistently warming the floor at home or in some other room, extreme inconveniences including unreasonable dampness and form are expelled.
Because of the reality the lack is a convection flows, that is intrinsic in our customary control frameworks , spring can inconveniences and how people uneven engine compartment free mandarins.What is Saiterm Token?

SAIEX token. Facts, not words. This is the world of innovation, amazingly sophisticated technology and energy efficiency. The only chance. Take advantage of all the benefits and privileges of SAIEX tokens. Energy efficiency and moderate emission efficiency and wants to be a goal in the future. This market wants to show the biggest growth and development in the coming decades. The SPRING heating system shows practical examples and real demonstrations of what we can do and what we want to do over the coming months and years. All data shows that the SPRING heating system offers the best cost ratio for heat worldwide. Token Token Solid. Bet based on the most advanced patented technology. Energy efficiency is a priority for the future,

Our products are the most innovative physical products with high efficiency, remain independent and autonomous, finance through the block chain, creating the production and trading facilities required for the production and distribution of the most efficient heating systems in the world. Systems that have been developed, patented, implemented and tested. The development of this SPRING system, developed by Saiterm, provides derivatives that leverage financial and industrial technologies, and manufacture and demand future global requirements. Questions of energy efficiency and human well-being. In terms of current conditions, Saiterm's goal is to reduce the power and consumption of heating systems.

The SAIEX Tokens can be used to purchase current Saiterm products, as well as to purchase innovative products that Saiterm will present to the market in 2019. The products that we will present in 2019 are related to air conditioning, lighting, video surveillance and audio diffusion, applied both to the residential /civil sector, as well as to specific commercial and industrial activities.

It will therefore always be possible to purchase the present and future Saiterm products with the SAIEX Tokens, as well as any thermotechnical design, software and / or system management applications offered by Saiterm. Saiterm is irrevocably committed to selling its products in the list, to the valuation of 1SAIEX Token = 1 USD up to the day on which the SAIEX TOKEN will go in Exchange.

This will allow those who obtained the bonuses a concrete, expendable or salable value. In fact, Saiterm has built the SAIEX crypt because, it will not only be stable in Exchange, but above all, because its initial value will increase with the passing of the years for the new technology that will be introduced into the world market.

Parameters Of The ICO

Token: SAIEX Token (SAIEX)
Token protocol: ERC20
Total token supply: 50,000,000 SAIEX
ICO sale date: 1st DECEMBER 2018 – 10th May 2019
Token price: 1 SAIEX = 1 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH, XRP, XMR and FIAT
Soft Cap : 1,000,000 SAIEX
Hard Cap: 50,000,000 SAIEX



Kamis, 21 Maret 2019

Aquest - децентрализованное приложение с интуитивно понятным и простым

Greetings, Success to You All in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time adifariz I invite you to review the project, an interesting QUEST that will lead you to your next success.

Сегодня собрать информацию о потребителях очень сложно и дорого. Важно воспользоваться преимуществами сбора информации о клиентах, чтобы они могли предоставлять свои собственные данные и делиться своими взглядами. Решением станет новая платформа под названием Aquest, платформа, которая даст потребителям возможность делиться своей собственной информацией, узнавать торговые марки и получать финансовые призы.

По сей день одна из самых ценных сведений о вкусах и предпочтениях других, которая является более успешной и прибыльной.

aQuest - это уникальное и децентрализованное приложение, которое будет платить вам за определенные задачи. Это может быть разработано Enkronos. Кредитная система aQuest была помечена как личная бухгалтерская книга и является общим ресурсом для всех продуктов, публикуемых на платформе. Основной целью AQuest является принятие AQU в качестве «внутреннего топлива», что создает публичную платформу AQuest на основе блокчейна.

Основная цель разработчика для потребителей к предоставленным данным. Платформа Aquest - это децентрализованное приложение с интуитивно понятным и простым интерфейсом, которое позволяет владельцам бизнеса и крупным компаниям выполнять важные задачи для клиентов, получать ценные идеи и продвигать свои бренды.

AQuest особенность
Безопасный - aQuest встроен в стек приложений Enkronos и использует интеллектуальные контракты для установки предупреждений для поисков ERC20.
Доступно - каждый может присоединиться к aQuest, без ограничений, без KYC.

Mobile first - наш первый подход Mobile позволяет вам легко получать доход с вашего мобильного устройства.
Интеграция приложений Enkronos - квесты - отличный способ помочь создать группы пользователей в приложении Enkronos.
Изменчивость - aQuest может быть опросами, заданиями Bounty, лайками в Facebook, дополнительным просмотром, установкой приложений или захватом Pokemon в Pokemon GO.
Призы - Вы можете заплатить человеку, которого вы подписали в токене ERC-20. В будущем

Основные преимущества Aquest должны быть подчеркнуты:
Высокий уровень безопасности, обеспечиваемый группой внедрения Enkronos вместе с умными контрактами;
Подразумевать возможность выполнения задачи без прохождения KYC и без региональных ограничений;
Возможность использовать смартфон для выполнения задач;
Достойная награда.

aQuest token (AQU) - служебный токен, который можно использовать для операций на платформе aQuest.
aQuest также предложит разработчику маркетинговую кампанию, направленную на награждение участников. Участник поиска должен иметь возможность выполнить задачу, чтобы иметь право на окончание поиска. Задача - это цифровые верифицированные действия, которые пользователь должен выполнить, чтобы успешно участвовать в поиске (Пример: Опрос, Facebook Likes). Информация Token AQU Платформа Ethereum Token ERC20 PreICO цена 1 AQU = 0,003 ETH Цена в ICO 1 AQU = 0,006 ETH БОНУС Частная продажа: 50% Pre Sale: 30% Token для продажи 200 000 000 Информация об инвестициях

Минимум инвестиции 0,1 ETH
Принятие ETH, BTC, ENK, Fiat
Распределено в ICO 36,11% Мягкая капитализация 1 000 000 долларов США Жесткая капитализация 39 000 000 долларов США Распределение токенов

Дорожная карта

Сентябрь 2018 года - зарождение идеи платформы aQuest. Разработка концепции и бизнес-плана.
Октябрь 2018 г. - Разработка модели правовой платформы aQuest в различных юрисдикциях. Разработка начинается.
Декабрь 2018 года - подготовка к ICO. Разработка умного контракта на выпуск токенов AQU. Частные продажи начинаются. Продолжить разработку платформы.
Январь 2019 года - Частная распродажа заканчивается. Предварительно ICO начинается. Разработка aQuest API. Разработка веб-приложений aQuest. Начало маркетинговой кампании по привлечению конечных пользователей.
Февраль 2019 года. Предпродажа заканчивается. Началась публичная продажа ICO.
Март 2019 года - выпуск бета-версии платформы. Старт AQU кошелька.
Апрель 2019 года - публичная продажа ICO заканчивается.
Май 2019 г. - разработка кошелька AQU.



Даты и детали ICO
Разработчики Aquest намерены выпустить 200 миллионов монет. Публичная продажа монет будет осуществляться создателями проекта в период с 25 февраля по 9 апреля этого года. Стоимость 1-й монеты составит 0,006 ETH.
Проект Softcap - 1 миллион долларов, hardcap - 39 миллионов долларов.
Распределение тока и средств выглядит следующим образом:
Официальные ресурсы проекта aQuest:

Технический документ:
Bounty BTT:   https: // bitcointalk. org / index.php? topic = 5100051.0
Reddit:  https: //
Instagram:  https: //

автор: adifariz
ETH: 0x48CeC0d6baa75D069eA06A59D6Ed8916E94ef19A